New York Times "Whale swims record distance" 13.12.2024
EJZ "Walforscher Meynecke" 03.12.2024
Oceangeographic "AI and whales" 01.12.2024
RND Deutsches Redaktionsnetzwerk "Kaiserpinguin" 25.11.2024
RND Deutsches Redaktionsnetzwerk "Schwimmen mit Walen" 17.11.2024
BBC Wildlife Magazine "Whale tags" 11.11.2024
AAP "Hydrophone project in Australia" 24.09.2024
Scientific American "Whale biotwang" 19.09.2024
Australian Geographic "Mud crabs" 13.09.2024
Guardian "Whale parasites" 16.08.2024
Berliner Morgenpost "Wale und Kamera" 16.08.20204
BBC Wildlife Magazin "Hammerhead sharks" 13.08.2024
Yahoo News "Stranded whales" 12.08.2024
Mail UK "Pilot whale strandings" 15.07.2024
Cosmos "How to deal with whale remains" 11.07.2024
New Scientist "Whale removals" 10.07.20204
The Conversation "Tracking a dead whale" 10.07.2024
Oceangeographic "Whale research in Mexico" 14.07.2024
BBC Wildlife Magazine "How to get rid of a dead whale" 12.07.2024
Yahoo News "Whale removals" 09.07.2024
AAP "How to remove deceased whales?" 09.07.2024
Sydney Morning Herald "Windfarms" 25.06.2024
Science et vie "Whale kelping" 24.05.2024
Guardian "Blue Whales" 02.05.2024
The Conservation "Hammerhead Sharks" 16.04.2024
Scientific American "Whale sex" 02.03.2024
Epsiloon "Whale kelping" 06.12.2023
ABC Science "Whale kelping" 30.11.2022
Prismamedia "Whale kelping 23.11.2023.
Especes "Whale kelping" 31.10.2023
The Business Insider "Whale spa" 31.10.2023
NatGeo "Whale kelping" 04.10.2023
NTR "Whale kelping" 30.09.2023
The Conservation "Whale kelping" 27.09.2023
Life Science "Whale kelping" 27.09.2023
Courier Mail "Shark nets" 15.08.2023
Courier Mail "Strandings" 10.08.2023
The Australian "Pilot Whale Stranding" 27.07.2023
London Times "Whales and Climate" 07.07.2023
Courier Mail "Whale strandings" 03.07.2023
Gold Coast Bulletin "Whale research" 10.06.2023
Scientias "Whales and Carbon" 09.06.2023
The Conversation "Whales and Carbon" 04.06.2023
Cosmos "Whales and Carbon" 05.06.2023
Crikey "Whales and Climate" 26.05.2023
Australian Associated Press "Whale spa" 18.04.2023
Gold Coast Bulletin "Hammerhead sharks" 17.04.2023
Australian Associated Press "Antarctica" 23.03.2023
The Guardian "Ancient whale" 28.02.2023
Dead in the water, shark cull in Queensland" 16.12.2022
InQueensland "Sat tracks on track to explore climate impacts on whales" 18.10.2022
Guardian "Did a whale penis wash up?" 19.10.2022
Phys Org "NewsWeek "Great White shark feeding" 29.09.2022
Down to Earth "Mass stranding Tasmania" 23.09.2022
New York Times "Tasmania races to save pilot whales" 24.09.2022
AAP Press Release "Second mass stranding" 22.09.2022
Guardian "Whale strandings - what happens after they die" 23.09.2022
InQueenssland "Meet travellers hitting the GC" 08.07.2022
Gold Coast Bulletin "Shark nets" 09.07.2022
Australian Traveller "GC Whale Watching" 07.06.2022
Australian Geographic "Fluking it on the Gold Coast" 07.06.2022
NewsCorp Escape "GC Whale Watching" 30.06.2022
BBC Wildlife Magazine "Humpback whale protection" 09.02.2022
Guardian "The kindest cut" 03.02.2022
IFL Science "Whale fight" 15.11.2021
Phys Org "Humpback whale supergroups" 26.10.2021
Cosmos "Humpback whale supergroups" 26.10.2021
InQueensland "Whale heatrun" 24.09.2021
Reuters "Whale heatrun" 24.09.2021
Gold Coast Bulletin "Whale in shark net" 11.08.2021
Gold Coast Bulletin "Wonder Reef" 22.06.2021
Zürcher Zeitung "Wal Wanderung in Australien" 07.06.2021
XinHua-net "Whale expert warns of new threats to humpback whales off Australia" 26.04.2021
Courier Mail "Humpback whales on the Gold Coast" 22.04.2021
Brisbane Times "Like humans, young humpback
whales go to Gold Coast for a good time" 22.04.2021
COSMOS "Humpback whale behaviour at migratory pit stop" 22.04.2021
The Economist "Delisting humpback whales from threatened species list" 19.04.2021
Voice of America "Australian humpback whale numbers surge" 10.04.2021
The Guardian "Australia warned humpback whales still in danger" 07.04.2021
The Conservation "Humpback whales may have bounced back from near extinction but it is too soon to declare them safe" 31.03.2021
Courier Mail "Whales in record numbers" 04.01.2021
The Conservation "Photos from the field" 01.11.2020
WeareGoldCoast online "Gold Coast Bay Hope Spot and Whales and Climate" 12.10.2020
Financial Times "Whale Stranding Tasmania" 25.09.2020
The Conservation "Whale Stranding Tasmania" 24.09.2020
Sydney Morning Herald "Whale Stranding Tasmania" 24.09.2020
Reuters "Whale Stranding Tasmania" 23.09.2020
AusNews "Shark incident Gold Coast" 09.09.2020
Courier Mail "Shark incident Gold Coast" 09.09.2020
Gold Coast Bulletin "Stop Whale Entanglement petition" 22.07.2020
Channel 7 online "Blob on beach" 08.07.2020
AAS News "Stop whale entanglements petition" 24.06.2020
ABC online "Shark nets on the Gold Coast" 02.06.2020
InQld News "Shark nets to be replaced" 24.06.2020
Gold Coast Sun/Bulletin "Barrier Reef trial could change shark control program" 26.02.2020
We are Gold Coast "Stepping up to Clean Up" 20.02.2020
HeraldSun, Courier Mail, Gold Coast Bulletin "Humpback calf study" 18.10.2019
Gold Coast Bulletin "Whale festival" 30.08.2019
Gold Coast Bulletin "Shark nets" 22.07.2019
Gold Coast Bulletin "HHR expedition" 24.07.2019 30.07. 2019
Gold Coast Bulletin and Sun newspaper "Bumper whale season kicks off" 14.06.2019
Gold Coast Bulletin/SUN News " Whale researchers buoyed by bumper season and giant mammals playful behaviour" 06.11.2018
Gold Coast SUN "Marine life at risk from balloons" 16.09.2018 "Climate Change" 05.09.2018
Gold Coast Bulletin "Jetskiers and baby whales" 09.07.2018
Gold Coast Bulletin "Baby Humpback whale at mercy of jet skiers" 08.07.2018
Boat Gold Coast "Beyond whale watching season - humpbacks" 12.06.2018
Gold Coast Bulletin/SUN "Injured whale" 12.06.2018
Brisbane Times "Dolphins spotted in the Brisbane River" 15.02.18
Gold Coast SUN "No net gain" 03.01.2018
Gold Coast Bulletin "Humpback whales move in close" 13.10.17
Gold Coast Boat Magazine "Giving Back to the whales" 21.09.17
CentralTelegraph "Whale removed from beach" 10.10.17
Herald Sun/Gold Coast Bulletin/The Mercury "Dredging driving whales away" 20.07.17
New York Times "Whale surveys" 05.07.17
Gold Coast Bulletin "Migaloo" 13.07.17
SUN "Whale Season" 24.05.2017
Adelaide Now "Boaties hassling whales" 10.05.2017
The Mercury "Whale numbers boom of the coast" 09.05.2017
Gold Coast Bulletin "Whale population of the Gold Coast boom" 09.05.2017
SUN "Call to retain green islands" 01.02.2017
SUN "Whale Watch celebrates" 20.12.2016
FahThai Magazine "Thailand Expedition" Jan/Feb 2017
SUN "Whale numbers are up" 15.11.2016
Gold Coast Bulletin "Lifeguards watch Burleigh whales" 01.08.2016
Gold Coast Bulletin "Gold Coast tour operators allegedly too close to rare white whale" 28.07.2016
Australian Geographic "Son of Migaloo makes appearance off Byron Bay" 27.07.2016
Gold Coast Bulletin "Majestic mammal of Gold Coast was Migaloo" 27.07.2016
Boat Gold Coast "Humpbacks in the limelight" 15.07.2016
Liquify Magazine "A cataclysmic micro plastic crisis" 01.07.2016
SUN "Warning bells ring on Oceans's health" 11.05.2016
Mashable "Pod of whales hunts down shark in Australian waters" 11.05.2016
SUN "Slow take up on shark-app" 02.03.2016
SUN/Gold Coast Bulletin "Dolphins local since 20 years" 10.02.2016
Tweed Daily News "Removal of buried whale" 22.01.2016
Gold Coast Bulletin/Daily Telegraph "Stranding whales and sharks" 14.01.2016
Liquify Magazine "Swimming with Minke Whales" 14.12.2015
Brisbane Times "Citizen Science keeping whales happy and healthy" 17.10.2015
Gold Coast Bulletin "Hundreds of whales in Gold Coast waters" 07.09.2015
Hill to Headlands "Humpbacks our favorite tourists" 01.09.2015
The Guardian "Swimming with whales" 18.08.2015
Gold Coast Bulletin "Whale debate over white whale on the Gold Coast" 11.08.2015
Redland City Bulletin "Straddie top whale watching spot" 15.06.2015
Gold Coast Bulletin "Gold Coast leads the way in new whale research" 12.06.2015
SUN "Hi-tech research helps Humpbacks" 11.06.2015
BLANK Gold Coast "Humpbacks, High-rises and shark nets" 01.06.2015
Gold Coast Bulletin "Baby Boomers threat" 28.05.2015
BLANK Gold Coast "Shark encounters suggested" 19.05.2015
SUN "Divers urge shark feeding program" 14.01.2015
SUN "Sharkbreak" 07.01.2015
Yahoo News "Qld. researchers uses drone to capture whale mucus" 28.10.2014
Mashable "Drone used to capture whales blow off the coast of Australia" 29.10.2014
Holistic Living Magazine Issue 3 "Humpbacks & High-Rises" August 2014
Suburban Living
Magazine "Humpbacks and beach shacks: Advances in whale researcher on North Stradebroke Island" August 2014
SUN "Shark nets a danger for whales" 30.07.2014
Gold Coast Bulletin "Heartbreaking footage of a dead baby whale that died in shark nets off Gold Coast" 23.07.2014
Redland Times "Migaloo spotted of Straddie" 27.06.2014
Bayside Bulletin "Tour the humpback highway" 09.06.2014
SUN "New phone lets people tell tails" 03.06.2014
SUN "Marine life risk near drumlines" 28.05.2014
SUN “Mammals migration could be a current affair” 18.12.2013
Gold Coast Bulletin “Pitch to sign off on nets” 22.10.2013
Courier Mail “Push to drop shark nets to save whales” 21.10.2013
SUN “Watchers help save surfers” 03.10.2013
SUN “Push to lift shark nets during whale migration” 25.10.2013
SUN “Immersive experience” 08.08.2013
Gold Coast Bulletin “Whale TV” 29.09.2012
Epoch Times “New research probes increased whale strandings” 12.08.2012
SUN “Cruiseships could kill whale watch industry” 10.08.2012
Student Advisor “Working with sea creatures” 31.05.2012
Gold Coast Bulletin “Whale snack snap no fluke” 16.09.2011
FISH Magazine “Humble mud crab a climate tracker” 17.07.2010
The Australian “Strait data to predict disaster” 28.05.2008
Fraser Coast Chronicle “Chip in to help student with fish study” 31.10.2007
Courier Mail “Fish´n Chips” 27.10.2007
Bundaberg News “Fisho lands special fish” 2007
Deutsche Zeitungen
Berliner Morgenpost "Whale kelping" 03/10/2023
Berliner Morgenpost "Pilot Whale stranding" 26.07.2023
EJZ "Willi im Wendland" 19.05.2023
DPA Press Release "Massenstrandung in Tasmanien" 22.09.2022
Standard "Aufbau von Sandbänken stört Wale" 14.09.2017
Süddeutsche Zeitung "Wale müssen Surfern weichen" 28.08.2017
Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung "Unter Segeln ins Delfin-Paradis" 06.11.2014
Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung “Auf Walfang” 08.08.2011
Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung “Hai mit Kamera” 25.05.2009
Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung “Mit Willi tief im Regenwald” 17.03.2009