Co-convenor or organizer of the following scientific meetings:
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA conference, July 2024 in Hobart(Co-Convenor)
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA conference, July 2023 in Gold Coast (Co-Convenor)
EcoSummit 2023, Gold Coast (Co-Chair)
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA conference, August 2022 in Cairns (Co-Convenor)
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA conference, June 2021 in Sydney (Convenor)
Marine Mammal Symposium at AMSA conference, July 2019 in Fremantle (Co-Convenor)
Marine Mammal Symposium at AMSA conference, July 2018 in Adelaide (Co-Convenor)
Marine Mammal Symposium at the 12th International Mammalogical Congress, July 2017 in Perth (Co-Convenor)
NZMSS/AMSA conference, July 2016 in Wellington (Organising Committee)
Iconic marine-life symposium at NZMSS/AMSA conference, July 2016 in Wellington (Convenor)
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA 52, July 2015 in Geelong (Co-Convenor)
Marine Megafauna Symposium at AMSA 51, July 2014 in Canberra (Co-Convenor)
AATMS tagging workshop, November 2013 at Moreton Bay Marine Research Station (Organising Committee)
Marine Mammal Symposium at AMSA 50, July 2013 on the Gold Coast (Co-Convenor)
Board member of the following organisations:
Humpbacks & High-rises Inc (HHR) - Council member and founder 2011-
Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA) - National Council member 2009-2019
Institute of marine engineering science & technology (IMarEST) - Council member 2010
>100 Presentations at the following scientific national and international conferences:
Meynecke, J.-O. (2024). Whale kelping. AMSA conference. 16th-21st September, Hobart, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2024). Whales and Climate: Safeguarding Ocean Giants Through Troubled Waters. World Ocean Summit 11th-13th March, Lisbon, Portugal.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2023). Sandy bottom contact behaviour of humpback whales. AMSA conference. 3rd-7th July, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2023). Environmental drivers influencing humpback whale migration in a changing
climate. EcoSummit conference. 13th-17th June, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2023). Antarctic Climate Exhibition 2023. Online presentation. 22nd June, Singapore.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2023). Whales and Carbon – Can whales really save us from climate change? Ocean Lovers Festival, 19thMarch, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2023). Whales and Carbon. ACE 23, 19th February, Sylvia Earle, Antarctica.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2022). Keeping track of whales - emerging tagging technologies. Online presentation. UABCS, 16th
November, La Paz, Mexico.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2022). Shifting whales and changing climate. Hervey Bay Whale Festival, 31st August, Hervey Bay, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Liebsch, N. (2022). Tracking whales with cargo tags – GPS/GSM suction cup tags on migrating humpback whales. AMSA conference, 7th-11th August, Cairns, Australia.
De Bie, J., Meynecke, J.-O. (2022). Revisiting agent modeling of humpback whale migration and climate change. AOGS conference, 1st-5th August, Singapore.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2022). Whales and Carbon. Oral presentation for Ocean Geographic, 22nd April, online.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2022). Panellist. Ocean Lovers Festival, 19th April, Sydney, Australia
Meynecke, J.-O. (2021). Whales are back in town. Oral presentation at National Science Week event, 22nd August, Gold Coast Australia.
de Bie, J. , Meynecke, J.-O. (2021). Understanding humpback whale response to climate change. Online presentation at AOGS 3rd August, Singapore.
Meynecke J.-O. (2021). Humpback whales and environmental drivers. Online presentation at AMSA, 28th June, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke J.-O. (2020). Whales in the city. Online presentation at National Science Week, 19th August, Gold Coast, Australia.
De Bie J., Menzel Barraqueta J., Meynecke J.-O.(2020). Humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere – need for transdisciplinary research to understand species response to changing climate. SCAR online conference 3rd-7th August, Hobart, Australia.
Meynecke J.-O. (2020). Whales and sharks. Ocean Geographic Webinar 16th May, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke J.-O. (2020). Migratory shifts of humpback whales and climate change. Poster presentation at Ocean Sciences, 16th-21st February, San Diego, USA.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). Using citizen science to assess migration patterns of humpback whales in Australia. Poster presentation at World Marine Mammal Conference, 8th-13th December, Barcelona, Spain.
Torre-Williams, L, Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2019). Newborn humpback whale calves observed on the northern migration in Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at World Marine Mammal Conference, 8th-13th December, Barcelona, Spain.
Torre-Williams, L, Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2019). East Australian humpback whales calving on the northern migration: evidence from the Gold Coast Bay, QLD, Australia. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Raquel, T., Kelaher, B., Scott, A., Meynecke, J.-O., Curnock,. M. (2019). The state of play of commercial swim tours with Humpback whales in Australia. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). The role of citizen science in whale conservation and research. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). The role of citizen science in whale conservation and research. Oral presentation at AMSA conference 8th-12th July, Fremantle.
McCulloch, S., Meynecke J.-O. (2019). The use of citizen science to determine resting and calving grounds of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Australia. Oral presentation at AMSA conference 8th-12th July, Fremantle.
Torre-Williams, L., Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2018). Humpback whales calving during migration - an extension to known calving grounds? A case study from the Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster Presentation at American Cetacean Society Conference 2nd-4th November, Newport.
Meynecke, J.-O., Keating G., Meager J., Ross G., Strauss D., Carroll A. (2018). The influence of environmental drivers on marine mammal strandings on the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at AMSA conference 1st-5th July, Adelaide.
Torre-Williams, L., Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2018). Newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) observations in the Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at AMSA conference 1st-5th July, Adelaide.
Meynecke, J.-O., Keating, G., Meager, J., Ross, G, Strauss, D., Carroll, A. (2017). The influence of environmental drivers on marine mammal strandings on the east coast of Australia. Poster presentation at SMM 22nd-27th October, Halifax, Canada.
Torre-Williams, L., Reinke, J., Lemckert, C., Meynecke, J.-O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2017). Newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) observations outside of known calving grounds in the Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at SMM 22nd-27th October, Halifax, Canada.
Reinke, J., Lemckert, C., Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Influences of changes in the East Australian Current on migrating Humpback whales, Megaptera Novaeangliae, in Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation AOGS conference 9th-11th August, Singapore.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Shifting whales and changing climates - emerging challenges for the whale watch industry. Oral presentation at ECCA, 07th-10th June, Glasgow, Scotland.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Developing a sustainable whale watch industry in a climate of change. Poster presentation at ACES: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum, 27th-31st March, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Developing a sustainable whale watch industry. Oral presentation at ACES: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum, 27th-31st March, Brisbane, Australia.
Reinke, J., Franklin, T., Franklin, W., Meynecke, J.-O., Lemckert, C. (2016). Environmental preferences of humpback whales in Hervey Bay, Australia. Oral presentation at AOGS conference 31st-5th August, Beijing, China.
Meynecke, J.O., Richards, R., Sahin, O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 10th-14th July, Toulouse, France.
Meynecke, J.-O., Sullivan, C., Carroll, A., Stevens, T. (2016). Monitoring cetaceans in nearshore coastal waters using hydrophones. Oral presentation at Society for Conservation Biology Oceania 5th-8th July, Brisbane, Australia.
Reinke, J., Franklin, T., Franklin, W., Meynecke, J.-O., Lemckert, C. (2016). Environmental preferences of humpback whales in Hervey Bay, Australia: an important resting area. Oral presentation at NZMSS/AMSA conference 4th-7th July, Wellington, New Zealand.
Torre-Williams, L., Meynecke, J.-O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2016).
The role of on-board education in the whale watch industry - A case study from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at NZMSS/AMSA conference 4th-7th July, Wellington, New Zealand.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2016). Variations of sea conditions along the east coast of North Island, New Zealand linked to dolphin presence. Oral presentation at NZMSS/AMSA conference 4th-7th July, Wellington, New Zealand.
Meynecke, J.O., Richards, R., Sahin, O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the Adaptation Futures conference,, 10th-13th May, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2016). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at 14th International Coastal Symposium, 7th-11th March, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Meager, J. (2016). Understanding strandings: 25 years of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) strandings in Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at 14th International Coastal Symposium, 7th-11th March, Sydney, Australia.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2016). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21st-26th February 2016, New Orleans, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the Gold Coast, Australia. Oral presentation at 11th ACCARNSI ECR Forum, 15th-17th February, Canberra, Australia.
Torre-Williams, L., Meynecke, J.-O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2015). Do tourists value on-board education, are they learning, nd do they hold bio-centric views? A case study from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at the 21st Biennial International Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 13th-18th December, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Whale tracking for everyone - using a smart phone application for citizen science. Oral presentation at 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), 29th-4th December, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). PIT-tagged: Investigating the movement of estuarine fish and crustacean. Oral presentation at the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) annual conference & ISSESR, 11th-14th October, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S.-Y., Wang, W. (2015). Fish abundance and distribution in a modified mangrove forest in northern New South Wales. 18th International River Symposium, 21st-23rd September, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Animal ethics in marine science - maximising output and minimising impact. Oral presentation at the ANZCCART conference, 21st-23rd July 2015, Gold Coast, Australia.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2015). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at the Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society (AMOS) annual conference, 15th-17th July 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
Reinke, J., Torre-Williams, Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Early calving of East Australian humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) outside of historic calving grounds. Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 6th-11th July 2015, Geelong, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Lessons from attempted video tagging of humpback whales. Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 6th-11th July 2015, Geelong, Australia.
Reinke, J. Meynecke, J.-O., Lemckert, C (2015). Humpback whale distribution relative to environmental conditions. Oral presentation at the 7th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society conference, 2nd-7th August 2015, Singapore.
Richards, R., Tiller, R. , Meynecke, J.-O., Oz Sahin, O., Sano, M. Expert-based Bayesian network modelling in an app improves functionality and efficiency. Oral presentation at the 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 13th -18th October 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
Meynecke, J.-O., Weeks, S., Canto, M. (2014). Dolphin presence in coastal fronts on the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the 51st Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2014, Canberra, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Richards, R. (2014).Ocean acidification – challenges for shell fish aquaculture. IMBER – Open Science Conference, 23rd-27th June, Bergen, Norway.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2014). Whale Trails – a smart phone application for whale tracking. Oral presentation at the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 15th-19th June 2014, San Diego, U.S.A.
Richards, R.G., Sahin, O., Sano, M., Meynecke, J.-O., Tiller, R. (2014). App2Adapt: Using Tablet Technology to Elicit Conditional Probabilities for Bayesian Belief Network Modelling. Oral presentation at the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 15th-19th June 2014, San Diego, U.S.A.
Richards, R.G., Meynecke, J.O., O. Sahin, O., Tiller, R. Liu, Y. (2014). Ocean acidification and fisheries – a Bayesian network approach to assessing a wicked problem. Oral presentation at the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 15th-19th June 2014, San Diego, U.S.A.
Alberts-Hubatsch, H., Diele, K., Nordhaus, I., Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S.Y., Wolff, M. Babcock, R., Pillans, R.(2013). Going with the flow: Migratory patterns of the female mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskål) . Poster presentation at the 3rd AATMS workshop, 13-15th November 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2013). Understanding stranding: 20 years of cetacean strandings on the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the 50th Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Bracco, F., Warnken, J. (2013). Smart phones for whales. Poster presentation at the 50th Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.
Alberts-Hubatsch, H., Nordhaus, I., Diele, K., Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S.-Y, Wolff, M. (2013). Movement of mud crabs (Scylla serrata) in and between protected and non-protected areas in an enclosed embayment in South-East Australia. Oral presentation at the 50th Association of Tropical Biology conference, 23-27th June 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica
Meynecke, J.-O., Richards, R. (2013). Ocean acidification – impacts and opportunities for shell fish aquaculture. Oral presentation at the first European Climate Change Adaptation Forum, 18th-20th March 2013, Hamburg, Germany.
Richards, R., Meynecke, J.-O. (2012). Climate change, ocean acidification an individual-based models: why the little things matter. Oral presentation at Coast2Coast conference 18th-21st September, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2012). Whale Ahead. A sea change for whale watching. Oral presentation at ODEX 8th-9th September 2012, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Mayze, J.2012. Crab with tag – a new method to study movement of mud crabs (Scylla serrata). Oral presentation at ECSA 50th Today’s science for tomorrow’s Management conference 3rd-7th June 2012, Venice, Italy.
Meynecke, J.-O., Teixeira, D. (2012). Three decades of cetacean “strandings” on the east coast of Australia and its implications for improved management. Poster presentation at ECSA 50th Today’s science for tomorrow’s Management conference 3rd-7th June 2012, Venice, Italy.
Meynecke, J.-O., Richards, R. (2012). Marine protected areas and giant mud crabs (Scylla serrata) – an individual based model approach from Moreton Bay, Australia. Oral presentation at the ICES/SPICES Oceans of Change conference 23rd-27th Apr 2012, Mallorca, Spain.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2011). Stay connected - following fish migration in tidal wetlands Oral presentation at the 14th International River Symposium 26th-29th Sept 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2011). An introduction to Australian marine environment and humpback whale research. Seminar at the – Innovative participatory forum for the Baltic Sea (CB9), 15th-17th August 2011, Turku, Finland
Meynecke, J.-O. (2011). No flow…no go – the dependence of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) fisheries on freshwater flow in Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at the International Society for River Science conference, 8th-12th August 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Meynecke, J.-O. Vindenes, S., Teixeira, D. (2011). Monitoring Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) behaviour in a highly urbanised coastline, Gold Coast, Australia. Oral presentation at the2nd International Symposium on Coastal Zone Management, 3rd-7th July 2011, Arendal, Norway.
Lee, S.Y., Meynecke, J.-O., Wang ,W. (2011). Fish abundance and diversity relative to tidal inundation in a mangrove forest in northern New South Wales, Australia. Oral presentation at the2nd International Symposium on Coastal Zone Management , 3rd-7th July 2011, Arendal, Norway.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S. Y., Grubert, M., (2010). Australian mud crab fisheries in a climate of change. Oral presentation at the international conference of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 17th-23rd July 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S. Y., Grubert, M. (2009). A changing climate drives northern Australian mud crab (Scylla serrata) catches. Oral presentation at CERF/SWS International Conference 1st-4th November 2009 Portland, U.S.A.
Duke, N.C., Meynecke, J.-O., 2009. Mangrove and tidal wetland ecosystem responses to climate change: do we know enough to manage them sustainably? Workshop held at the 10th Intercol meeting. 15th August 2009 in Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Werry, J., 2009. On track! Using PIT tags and stable isotopes to reveal the movement of estuarine fish. Attendance at the Ocean 09 IEEE International Conference. 11th-14th May 2009 in Bremen, Germany.
Grubert, M.A., Meynecke, J-O. (2009) Profile of the Northern Territory Mud Crab Fishery: management and recent research. In: Agenda and Abstracts, 25th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations under Climate Change. Anchorage, Alaska. p 69
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S. Y., 2009. Effect of climate parameters on mud crab (Scylla serrata) production in Australia. Poster presentation at the IARU International Scientific Congress on Climate Change. 10th-12th March 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S. Y., Duke, N.C., 2008. Hooked? Solutions for sustainable coastal fisheries in Queensland, Australia. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA). 7th-10th July 2008 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2008. Effect of climate change on estuarine fish production in Queensland, Australia. Presentation at the International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans. 19th-23rd May 2008 in Gijón, Spain.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2007. Tidal wetland connectivity and estuarine fisheries in Queensland, Australia. Presentation at the Estuaries Network Meeting. 15th November 2007 in Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S. Y., Duke,N. C., 2007. Relation between tidal wetland connectivity and estuarine fisheries in Queensland, Australia. Presentation at the Inaugural Coastal Conference in Queensland (ICE). 17th-19th September 2007 in Bundaberg, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2007. PIT tags and an autonomous antenna system to study movements of estuarine-dependent fish. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA). 9th-15th July 2007 in Melbourne, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Werry, J., Poole,G., Jones, K., Lee, S. Y., 2007. Movement of estuarine fish species in relation to habitat availability in a subtropical estuary in Queensland. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA). 9th-15th July 2007 in Melbourne, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Lee, S.Y., Duke, N.C., 2007. Connectivity of tidal wetlands–Spatial metrics patterns and their relation to estuarine fisheries in Queensland, Australia. Presentation at the International Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientist. 10th-15th June 2007 in Sacramento, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2007. Connectivity of estuarine habitats and its value for nearshore fisheries. Presentation at the first Farmland to Fraser - Resource Managers & Science Symposium. 19th-20th February 2007 in Hervey Bay, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. Lee, S.Y., Duke, N. C., Warnken J., 2006. Exploring the effect of climate parameters on estuarine fish catch in Queensland. Poster at the International conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS). 10th – 14th July 2006 in Cairns, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. Lee, S.Y., Duke, N. C., Warnken J., 2006. Relationship between estuarine habitats and coastal fisheries in Queensland, Australia. 2nd International Mangrove Macrobenthos Meeting (MMM2).26th – 30th June 2006 in Coolangatta, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. Lee, S.Y., Duke, N. C., Warnken J., 2006. Relationship between estuarine habitats and coastal fisheries in Australia. First International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitat. 19th-21st April 2006 in Miami, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2005.. Effect of climate change on estuarine fish production in Queensland, Australia: Evaluating potential economic losses. Workshop on Economic Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries. 20-21st June 2005 in Bergen, Norway.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2005. Expansion of mangroves into saltmarsh areas in Australia - the signs of recent climate change? Meeting of the Australian Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS). 2nd -3rd February 2005 in Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2004. Bewertung und Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf EU-Ebene. Institute for Cereal Processing LTD. DGQ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung. Beiträge zur Lebensmittelsicherheit durch Anbau und Verarbeitung. 22-23 März 2004 in Bergholz-Rehbrück, Germany.
Meynecke, J.-O., 2003. Modelling of flood forecast as a base for an Integrated Flood Management System” on June, 4th 2003 at 1st conference of the European Forum on Underground Construction (EFUC). 2nd – 5th June 2003 held at University of Applied Sciences in Suderburg, Germany.